Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Self in Social Psychology and Implications for...

Various concepts of the self are present in many social psychological topics. Research studies related to self-identity, self-concept, self-esteem and other core social constructs regarding self are abundant, and there is plenty of evidence suggesting the self can be described and compared to a plethora of social motives that are researched and reviewed throughout social psychology. However, for counseling psychologists, how do we make sense and make use of the phenomena learned through social psychological research to help our work in the practice of counseling? It is important to take what the field of psychology has learned from science and apply it to psychological practice in order to make full use of the quality of information†¦show more content†¦Much of what research exists today concerning the self in social psychology has contributed to the vast knowledge of the psychological practice of individual counseling. Psychological Health and the Self Many topics could be discussed and described to fully explain the core social motives of the concept of self, and there would not be a lack of literature to provide detail and sufficient evidence for this type of review. However, for purposes of this paper, what will be presented will include the most important aspects of the self in social psychology as it relates to counseling practice, clinical implications, and therapeutic knowledge for purposes of helping inform the work with individual counseling clients. Schlegel and Hicks (2011) argue that meaning and life satisfaction are related to the ability to access and think about one’s true self-concept. The authors further contend that the construct of the true self includes a set of characteristics that individuals become aware of to be able to live happy lives (2011). Helping clients with the accessibility of exploring the self, and then examining the self through a therapeutic lens, could arguably be the primary goal for c ounseling. Further, Sedikides and Skowronski (1995) found that people have reported that knowledge of one’s self can be deducted through self-reflection,Show MoreRelatedThe Macrosystem: From Child to Adult Essay1384 Words   |  6 Pagesmental health counseling. The foundational areas are the development across the lifespan, ecological theory, mental health, and mental health promotion. These together form a unique base from which mental health and community counselors practice. This is referred to as,† The comprehensive mental health counseling model, a comprehensive model.† The model places the dimensions of mental illness and mental health/wellness with and ecological context. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Renaissance And The Medieval Period - 1658 Words

1. What is new about the Renaissance, compared to the medieval period that we studied in the last unit? The word Renaissance means revival or rebirth. This word comes from the European civilizations that follows behind the Middle Ages. It was held to characterize an interest in classical learning and values. The Renaissance dealt with the discovery and exploration of new continents, a decline in the growth of commerce and feudal systems. This new birth of resurrection is considered to have begun in Italy in the fourteenth century. It was a used by Italian scholars for Greek and Roman classical literature. When the Renaissance began the civilization of Greece and Rome had been partially influenced by parts of the medieval Europe. Medieval Period occurs around the fifteen century and deals with the times of classical ancient past to the Italian Renaissance. It is compared to the dark ages and most people use this phrase as the Middle Ages to describe between the fall of Rome and the Renaissance in the fourteenth century. This period states that the society was more civilized and advanced than the previous years. During this time the fall of the Western Roman Empire happened which resulted in a longer process. In the Medieval Age, people faced real threats like diseases and warfare which caused dangers on the community in areas such as work and religion. The Renaissance mainly stressed the importance of the individuals and its talents. This idea, known as individualism, isShow MoreRelatedDefining Characteristics of the Medieval, Renaissance, Neoclassical, and Romantic Period 987 Words   |  4 PagesMedieval Period After the classical period the structure of society was a mess. After the trojan war the Medieval period was the one to bring in the more civilized society. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Australian Department of foreign Affairs and Trade †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Australian Department of foreign Affairs and Trade. Answer: Chosen policy by Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade This section will focus on one of the foreign policies taken up by the Australian Department of foreign Affairs and Trade. The policy that has been chosen here is the export of Uranium from Australia to India. This is one of the most important and interesting aspects in the foreign policies in the trades for Australia. Another important thing in this context is the fact that these foreign policies will have to be made at the best interest of Australia only. Previously, the export of uranium from Australia to India had been banned. The impact of this ban on uranium export has been greatly felt form the perspectives of both the countries. This policy of exporting uranium to India should be made regular after the imposed ban is lifted after three years. Rationale behind this policy It is highly expected that this policy could make the relationship between India and Australia stronger. The import and export relationships between these two countries can also be strengthened. Australia is the country that is committed to the nuclear non-proliferation regime. India had been banned from the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) IN 2008. They could not import uranium from other countries. The Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) had been signed between the non-signatories. It has to be kept in mind that countries like USA, UK and Canada have signed the treaties with India to export the uranium. These treaties have been signed for securing the civilians only. NPT is very much required for Australia as well. The superpower in South Asia is China who is trying to be the monopoly in the nuclear warfare in South Asia. In this way it would really be difficult for China to sustain its monopoly in South Asia. This could bring the notice of all the international powers like USA, Russia and others. This could be a huge part of their strategic partnership and get a better place in front of the entire world. Australia holds almost 40% of the total uranium in the world. This is why Australia has a huge place in the exporting if uranium all over the world. Key players and their reactions The uranium export to India has been one of the biggest things in the last few years. The key players are the countries who are involved as the nuclear weapon suppliers. The rule of NSG is the fact that nuclear energy and uranium can only be supplied to the countries that are a part of the NPT. China is one of the key players because they like to be sole superpowers in South Asia. It is the responsibility of Australia to make sure that all the guidelines of Nuclear Suppliers Group are well maintained. China has been continuously showing its support for Pakistan that is the biggest enemies of India. This means China is dead against this policy taken up by Australia. Change in policy and rationale It can be recommended Australia should rethink about their decision to lift their ban over the uranium supply to India. It is because many complications can arise when the deal would be finalized and implemented. The most powerful countries are burning over this problem of the nuclear enabled countries. Australia should bring up this topic in front of both United Nations and Nuclear Suppliers Group. The foreign trade minister must see to these new recommendations for the change. This will be beneficial for the entire world as well. Like minded states All the member countries of the United Nations Security Council are in favor of this opinion. The only two countries that are against this deal are China and Canada. The other countries want this deal to be done and this bilateral agreement should be finalized for bringing the stability to the Asia. The approval from the five recognized NWS states are also needed like France, China, UK, USA and Russia. Advantages of this policy It has also been considered that unemployment in Australia has been increasing because of these various reasons. The interest of the common people is not kept because the government has not been able to give jobs to them. . This policy will probably help the government to improve the GDP rate of the country properly. If this policy is implemented the GDP of the country can rise up from 2% to 4% or more. This will also reduce the rate of unemployment in the country and new programs can begin for the export of uranium. Budgetary Implications on the Australian economy The given budget has been prepared in order to estimate the total cost of the uranium export to India and how will the given export be a resource to Australia and how will this add up to the economy of Australia and benefit it. The cost per kg of Uranium is expected to be around 200 US$ and a rough estimation has been made that 20000 kgs will be exported to India during the first year. Hence, the costs have been calculated in that manner and the revenue which will be received from this export has been stated. There is a considerable difference between the cost and the revenue generated. It has been estimated that $1145000 will be added to the economy of Australia as a benefit of the given export. The given budget has been made keeping in mind the format of earlier budgets. The given operation of lifting the ban on the export of Uranium to India will provide an opportunity to the Australian employees who previously lost their jobs due to the ban. Overall, the given export will not onl y contribute to the economy welfare in monitory terms but also in non-monitory measures like numerous people could be benefitted if they got the jobs in the country. The given outcome shall contribute to the GDP which can increase by 1.5 % due to the export. Secondly, through taxes and extra income the income side of the budget shall increase by 5%. (Refer to Appendix) Domestic implications There can be some important domestic implications in this case as well. The political support in favor of exporting the uranium to India has been increasing. However, there have been some opposition views as well from the left. The anti-nuclear lobby of the Australia is also against this as well. The international support should also be sought to bring the stability in Asian region. It has been a great matter of concern that in the year 2015, the investigation had disclosed the fact that nuclear safety was in under great uncertainty due to many factors. There could be serious implications for this as well. The major parties in the country were under great disagreement over this matter. The uncertainties from the legal grounds were very high as well. A major thing had been recorded that the treaties committee controlled by the government took the step of voting against the political decisions of the Prime Minister and the Foreign Affairs Minister to stop this exporting to India. References Bird, D.K., Haynes, K., van den Honert, R., McAneney, J. and Poortinga, W., 2014. Nuclear power in Australia: A comparative analysis of public opinion regarding climate change and the Fukushima disaster.Energy Policy,65, pp.644-653. ,2018.Home. [online] Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Available at: [Accessed 14 Mar. 2018]. Hecht, G., 2012.Being nuclear: Africans and the global uranium trade. Mit Press. Kerr, P.K., 2012. US Nuclear Cooperation with India: Issues for Congress.Current Politics and Economics of South, Southeastern, and Central Asia,21(1/2), p.131. Mathai, M.V., 2013.Nuclear power, economic development discourse and the environment: The case of India(Vol. 2). Routledge. Montgomery, A.H., 2013. Stop helping me: When nuclear assistance impedes nuclear programs.The Nuclear Renaissance and International Security, pp.177-202. Panda, R., 2012. India and Australia: Security Dynamics in the Asia Pacific.Asia-Pacific Review,19(1), pp.130-156. Smith, S., Dunne, T. and Hadfield, A. eds., 2016.Foreign policy: theories, actors, cases. Oxford University Press.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Wal-Mart and Its Organizational Behavior Issues free essay sample

With each element listed the employees of the organization will identify this as work life that will guide their level of motivation. Depending on which level of motivation the employees are at will determine the outcome of their performance, along with their satisfaction, and development. The entire elements combine helps to build the framework in the way the organization operates. (Davis, 1993) It is important for Wal-Mart to understand their employees’ job satisfaction, fairness, personal development and growth within its organization. Wal-Mart was founded by Sam Walton in 1962. Sam Walton business strategy was to supply products for customers at low prices. Sam Walton began the first Wal-Mart store in Rogers, Ark. While Wal-Mart was at their beginning stage their competitor Kmart was growing rapidly. During that time Walton was only able to invest in 15 stores. In the 1970s Wal-Mart offered stock which helped to expand the company with 276 stores in 11 states. By the 1980s Sam Walton was labeled one of the richest individuals in the United States. We will write a custom essay sample on Wal-Mart and Its Organizational Behavior Issues or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In 1983, Sam’s club Warehouse was opened. In 1988 the first Supercenter was open offering grocery and 36 departments of merchandise. In 1989 there were 1,402 Wal-Mart stores and 123 Sam Club. As of to date there are 10, 185 Wal-Mart and Clubs location in 27 countries with 2. 2 million employees. Walton theory is quoted in autobiography by stating â€Å"†¦ if you think about it from the point of view of the customer, you want everything: a wide assortment of quality merchandise; the lowest possible prices; guaranteed satisfaction; friendly, knowledgeable service; convenient hours; and a pleasant shopping experience. You love it when a store exceeds your expectations, and you hate it when a store inconveniences you, gives you a hard time, or pretends youre invisible. This strategy helped to build the foundation of Wal-Mart and by the 1980s Sam Walton was labeled one of the richest man in the United States. (History,†) With the low cost being the drive of the business, comes a price to employees’ benefits and pay. Walton believed in order to maintain low cost for his customers, he would have to con trol payroll. When Walton passed away in 1992, this issue was shed to light to the public in the way Wal-Mart treated their employees with unequal pay and benefits. The negative press created a negative image of Wal-Mart and caused them to lose 8 percent of their customers. The new leaders of Wal-Mart took on one philosophy of Walton and that was reducing cost, but left out the key element of making their employees feel as if they had a stake in the company. The pressures of reducing cost created unrealistic demands for Wal-Mart’s managers, specifically dealing with payroll. The high cost of low price began to have an effect causing Washington to get involved of the turmoil. The state of Maryland followed suit by creating a bill for large employers such as Wal-Mart to spend at least 8 percent of their payroll on health benefits. Thirty others states are soon to follow with similar bills. Frank, 2006) Wal-Mart stated as a defense their company offers the lowest cost in healthcare benefits within their industry along with competitive wages. Wal-Mart’s associates have mixed reactions to how satisfied they are with their company’s benefits and wages. Some employees have resigned because of their dissatisfaction while other employees fee l their needs are being met within the organization. (Armour, 2003) In the case of Wal-Mart the value theory of job satisfaction comes into play. This theory comes from the question what makes people satisfied and what do they value. Wal-Mart’s employees express their dissatisfied with their pay and benefits package. Most employees can’t afford or aren’t eligible to receive their healthcare package. Wal-Mart continues to feel the effects and consequences by having a high turnover rate with employees. Most of Wal-Mart’s turnovers are voluntary, leaving the cost to be substantial to Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart’s turnover rate is absolutely appalling. Approximately 70% of Wal-Mart employees quit outright within the first 12 months. This could be that Wal-Mart is openly against any kind of labor union within their organization and will stop at nothing to keep collective bargaining way. (Keil, 2005) While researching this topic, so many things were found to be eye opening. One in which is the way that Wal-Mart conducted themselves when they had to manage their employees. How they dealt with promoting them and demoting them. Last year Wal-Mart started a new management style and wanted to promo te more family time and create a less workload on each of the managers and employees. Therefore, they changed the schedule to becoming 3 days on and 3 days off which created more room for managers to fall into the field. Managers would be thrown into the position of an area of the store they knew nothing about and expected to understand each thing and help customers find exactly what they are looking for. This created a huge problem, but of course Wal-Mart does nothing about this issue and just continues to have problems. The real ridiculous part of this whole hiring equation is how they promote people to become managers or the next level from what they are. Every store has certain quotas to meet each month, and they have to have a certain amount of managers that are women and men. They will find someone that is totally unqualified for the position and throw them in it just to make the quota. They will even place a pregnant person in that position to make a quota. If you decline a job duty, you get demoted from your position. This is a horrible way to conduct a business and is causing many issues as of right now. I can only imagine what it is going to cause as time goes on. Many companies have ethical issues that they tend to not deal with and to simply ignore. These specific companies tend to have issues that get bigger and more difficult to deal with and some even result in involving lawyers and the law. Wal-Mart in particular has so many different ethical issues, but one more relevant to all employees is in their hiring statuses. â€Å"For example, a job for a Front-End Supervisor position has been posted, two employees sigh-up for an interview. The first employee called subordinate A, has an M. B. A. , fifteen years of experience as a manger in the retail industry, and has been working for Wal-Mart stores Inc. , for two years. Subordinate B, has a 9th grade education, no experience in management or retail prior to Wal-Mart, and has been working for the company for one year and has a poor attendance record. They both received the same rating on their ninety day evaluation, who does the manager pick for the position? The answer is subordinate B got the job, because his kids play with the general manager’s kids at school. † (Richard Publishing) This happens all the time in the employment and hiring decisions and is completely unethical on so many levels. Decisions such as this could certainly create a somewhat uncomfortable work environment. This a great example of how the corporate structure of Wal-Mart could affect its employee’s behaviors. Managers need to show their employees how they need to do their job correctly and are their role models. The employees feed off of the type of a manager he/she is. With having this person that has a horrible attendance already and very uneducated be technically in charge of them during workings hours is going to cause a lot of conflicts on the floor and customers will see Wal-Marts’ performance standards gradually declining because of these circumstances. In 2006, an activist group called the Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy or LAANE, said that â€Å"Wal-Mart reports that full time hourly associates make on average a little over $10 an hour. In addition, most employees are only allowed to work 34 hour workweeks. When multiplied by 52 weeks, this equates to a little less than $18,000 a year. Wal-Mart’s founder Sam Walton has been quoted as saying, â€Å"I pay low wages. I can take advantage of that. We’re going to be successful, but the basis is a very low wage, low-benefit model of employment. † (Tejada, 2003)   Wal-Mart claims that its wages are aligned with market averages although they truly cannot be compared because Wal-Mart simply staffs more part time employees than full time ones. This causes the comparison to be skewed and not authentic. These blatant low wages are a great example of how the company’s management philosophy affects behavior within the company. Employees are often discouraged and disgruntled due to Wal-Mart’s non-existent pay raise structure. (Tejada, 2003)    Wal-Mart will allow employees who work 34 hours or more to receive â€Å"full time† benefits. They discourage any paid time beyond these hours though and have even been accused of having employees work off the clock. Numerous lawsuits have been filed by both former and current employees regarding this unfair and unjust issue. Tejada, 2003) This example as well as others clearly exposes Wal-Mart’s poor working conditions. Another example would be that of class action lawsuits filed in 1995 by pharmacists who were forced to take salary cuts and hour cuts due to sales declining. (Tosh, 1999) In 2004, The New York Times reported on an internal Wal-Mart audit that examined a week’s worth of time clock punches for 2 5,000 employees. According to the article, the audit found a ludicrous amount of violations including but not limited to child labor law violations and state laws regarding break and meal times. There were over 60,000 missed breaks and over 15,000 lost meal times. The Vice President of Communications stated that the company’s auditors auditing process was not correct and that there was nothing that the company would do to correct the issue as if there were none at all. (Greenhouse, 2004) With all of these examples of Wal-Mart’s desire for corporate expansion and complete disregard for anything or anyone standing in their way, (including their own employees), one must admit that this type of behavior is both unethical and immoral. The absolute holes within the management system of this organization are so flawed that only money could keep the tower from collapsing. The evidence is there. The proof is in the gallon jar of pickles that only costs $2. 95, but costs the family of the worker who stocks said pickles 2 meals a week. One bright light in the equation is that of how Wal-Mart has handled the environment lately. As times keep getting more environmentally friendly, you are seeing more and more companies switching to different ways of conducting their business to produce a more â€Å"Green† workplace. Some people may decide to shred paper, recycle or even turn to paperless documents. â€Å"Wal-Mart will be asking its 100,000 suppliers to cut the amount of carbon they emit when they produce, package and ship their products. † (Earth Talks Para. 3). They are eliminating large laundry detergents and having them be put into small bottles which will result to more of a energy intensive way to ship. They have also been trying to have CD, DVD and video game producers, to create a smaller and lighter case to downsize the carbon emissions. Actions such as this by Wal-Mart certainly facilitate that of a vested interest and sense of pride by its employees, but one must wonder if these actions are out of good nature or forced by governmental pressure to procure the environment. It is clear that although there are some bright spots in the corporate culture that is Wal-Mart, there are many factors that control the behavior of Wal-Mart’s employees. The solution to these issues is clearly government intervention and community involvement. We as a people must fight the yellow smiley face regime that is destroying our communities’ one at a time and literally illing society’s faith in corporate America. Tighter regulation from the government on monopolistic entities is a must. Perhaps boycott by the people could force Wal-Mart into submission. While these solutions seem far-fetched and almost impossible, awareness and education regarding these issues is a great start. From a management perspective, company e xecutives must try to place themselves in their customer’s shoes. Not everyone has a six figure job. Not all people on this country want to work off the clock, in fact, most do not want to. Management must employ practices to be much more employee focused rather than profit driven. These issues need to be constantly reviewed by both middle and upper management. Corporate programs for training toward unified company goals, with an emphasis on positive interaction with co-workers, both at the executive level and on the sales floor should be common place. If you want more from your people, treat them more like people. In conclusion, it is time for Wal-Mart to put some serious money behind their promises for improvement. They have a need to implement plans to increase the number of women in management positions. All new job openings should be posted and made available to every employee that is eligible. In addition, a set standard of qualifications and experience need to be aligned to each job position should be posted as well. Next, Wal-Mart needs to allow employees to work full time if desired and provide the option of healthcare coverage, retirement benefits, and better wages. In response to their effect on importation and globalization, Wal-Mart should require a set of standards for their suppliers to adhere to. These standards should include wages paid in underdeveloped countries, environmental impact and quality of goods provided. In regards to the environment, Wal-Mart needs to step up and implement renewable energy sources, like wind and solar power, in all of its stores and distribution centers. The fleet of trucks used to bring goods across the world need to be more fuel efficient. Another way that Wal-Mart can have a positive impact on the environment is to make a commitment to remodel existing vacant buildings instead of constantly creating new buildings and parking lots. To go even another step further, a commitment to fund an acre of natural habitat preservation for every acre they occupy would make a very big, positive impact on the environment. Lastly, individual consumers can be more conscientious of where they shop. They can make a personal commitment to buy locally produced items and shop at local businesses. The pinch on the pocketbook will be felt up front, but eventually it will create better paying jobs in each small community, putting that money right back into the consumers pocketbooks. Our government can educate people about the effects of globalization and importing. This can be done both in public forums and in our school curriculums. The government can also be effective in slowing this by providing incentives to encourage local entrepreneurship. Some of these incentives include small business loans, tax cuts and small business training. Some may say that the American consumer is the cause by choosing to purchase at Wal-Mart. There may be a point there. But, Wal-Mart should hold some responsibility for more than the almighty dollar. They should also be accountable for how they are affecting the quality of goods, the local economy, American jobs, the environment, and the well-being of their own employees.